Baby Carrier Guide

Which baby carrier suits you and your baby best?
Your baby's age, your daily routine, your personal preferences decide which baby carrying system fits best for you. Does your baby like to be carried many hours a day, does she/he love to fall asleep in the baby carrier? Or do you just need a quick carrier for short errands?
Are you active, do you plan some journeys or do you love to go on excursions with your little one? Consider that little feet get tired earlier than big ones! A comfy baby & kid carrier is a good companion for you and your child. Or are you looking for a lightweight, small foldable baby carrier for just inbetween?
We'll find the very best baby carrier for your and your baby in our comparison of babywearing systems!

Buckle Carrier to grow: Buzzidil
Just 2 clicks & go. Buzzidil baby carriers are easy to use and easy to adapt - no binding is necessary. Padded shoulder belts and the structured hip belt made from high tech foam guarantee a maximum of comfort also when carrying your toddler.
Buzzidil baby carriers grow with your baby and child from 0 - 4 years - in three sizes: Babysize (0-18 months, from 56cm - 86cm body size), Standard (3-36 months, from 62cm - 98cm body size), XL (8-48 months, from 74cm - 104cm body size).
Your Buzzidil can be used for front carry, back carry and as quick hip seat!
Buzzidil is your baby carrier, when you are looking for the following features:
- a baby carrier with buckles
- suitable for my newborn
- but also as comfy kid carrier for my toddler
- a baby carrier growing steplessly with my child
- a baby carrier reflecting the ergonomic development of my baby
- a comfy weight distribution for longer babywearing units
- a carrier for many hours as my baby LOVES to be carried

Meh Dai & Buckle Carrier in one: BuzziTai
BuzziTai is the 2-1 baby carrier: Meh Dai / MeiTai to bind and buckle carrier to click - combined in one system. Without inserts or elements to build.
For small babies or caregivers of different figures we recommend to use your BuzziTai as Meh Dai.
For your bigger baby (aged 6-8 months and up) we recommend to use your BuzziTai as buckle carrier. Simply fold the shoulder belts and connect them to the back panel. Using the buckle carrier solution ensures a comfy weight distribution of your bigger baby - from your shoulders to your hips.
BuzziTai grows with your baby from birth up to 2 years (from 50cm - 92cm body size).
You can use your BuzziTai as front carry, back carry or on your hip.
BuzziTai is your baby carrier when you are looking for the following features:
- a baby carrier to bind
- a baby carrier to click
- a baby carrier for my newborn baby
- With my bigger baby I am looking for a comfy weight distribution.
- My baby loves to be carried and stay close.

Bei Dai / WrapTai to bind: Wrapidil
You are looking for the baby carrier for the whole babywearing time? A carrier really growing with your child from 0 - 4 years steplessly? Here is it!
Wrapidil is your baby carrier honestly growing with your child from 0 - 4 years and even longer (from 50cm - 116cm body size)!
This carrier is as versatile as a woven wrap - however, the preformed growing back panel makes it easier to use.
You can bind your Wrapidil exactly the way you enjoy it most - either in front carry or back carry or on your hip. The well padded hipbelt is equipped with a buckle.
Wrapidil is your baby carrier when you're looking for the following features:
- a baby carrier to bind with preformed back panel
- a baby carrier for my newborn baby
- a baby carrier honestly growing with my baby from 0-4 years
- a carrier with padded hip belt with buckle
- a baby carrier as versatile as a woven wrap
- My baby loves to be close and to be carried a lot!
Action & Hiking Carrier: Buzzidil Preschooler
This is your companion when you are an active family with a toddler. You love to travel, go hiking, go on longer excursions with your little one? Then you probably found out already: Small feet get tired quicker than big ones.
Buzzidil Preschooler is the perfect kid carrier to adventure on. The comfy, well padded hip belt takes over most of the weight of your child. This makes carrying your little one a lot easier! Curved shoulder belts guarantee a snuggle fit.
Buzzidil Preschooler grows with your child from 2-5 years (from 92cm - 116cm body size) and it just takes 2 clicks to install it.
Usable for back carry, front carry and with a small accessory as quick hip seat.
Buzzidil Preschooler is your kid carrier when you are looking for the following features:
- a kid carrier for bigger children installed with 2 clicks
- a really comfy carrier for my toddler
- a small foldable and lightweight hiking carrier
- a kid carrier growing steplessly with my child
- a comfy weight distribution for longer wearing periods
- a lightweight alternative to common kid carriers with metal frames

Onbuhimo & SSC: BuzziBu
BuzziBu is the quick lightweight SSC. Small foldable it's the ideal buckle carrier for short errands and inbetween.
As Onbuhimo it is installed within seconds. Your child wants to be carried longer? No problem. Simply transform your BuzziBu from Onbuhimo to buckle comfort carrier. This can be done literally within seconds and ensures a really comfy weight distribution - from your shoulders down to your hips.
BuzziBu grows with your child from 5-36 months (from 68cm - 98cm body size)and can be used for back carry and front carry.
BuzziBu is your baby carrier when you are looking for the following features:
- a quick, small foldable baby carrier
- a baby carrier to click
- an airy (summer) carrier without padded hip belt
- a baby carrier quickly installed for short errands
- a baby carrier to carry my toddler during my new pregnancy

Babywearing Classics: WrapIt & Ring Sling
Our woven wrap WrapIt can be adjusted perfectly to your baby! With only a bit of experience you can bind it exactly the way it is most comfy for you and your baby - in your front, on your back, on your hip.
A woven wrap can be used from birth on till the end of the babywearing time.
WrapIt is your baby carrier when you are looking for the following features:
- a most flexible baby carrier
- a baby carrier for my newborn baby
- a carrier that can be used from 0-4 years
- My baby loves to be carried - even for hours.
A ring sling is a quick possibility to carry your baby on your hip. Being a real light weight it's the ideal baby carrier for in-between.
The ring sling is your baby carrier when you are looking for the following features:
- a pretied quick baby carrier
- a babycarrier for my newborn
- a lightweight, small foldable baby carrier
- a quick solution for short errands